Tax Disputes

Tax Disputes

In case of abuse of rights by the tax authorities, problems arise such as requests for information, orders to conduct inspections, acts of inspections, tax notifications, decisions to refuse registration of tax invoices, deregistration of tax entities - VAT payers, requirement for urgent payment of debt, additional accrual of tax fees for working with fictitious companies, seizure of taxpayer assets. As a result of such actions, the business entity receives a fantastic fine or its activity is completely blocked. To prevent unreasonable pressure on the business, which created the unstable tax legislation of Ukraine, is our main task. We accompany issues related to tax crimes, appeal against decisions of tax authorities, desk and tax audits.

Problems that we solve
  • Appeal of tax decision notices
  • Appealing the blocking of tax invoices
  • Appeal against the refusal to accept a tax return
  • Appeal against cancellation of registration of VAT payer
  • Withdrawal of property
  • Support of inspections, appeal of the order on the inspection / result of the audit
  • Appeal against the assignment of status to an enterprise on illegal grounds
  • Representation of client's interests in tax inspection and tax police
  • Appealing against decisions of tax inspectors
  • Preparation of procedural documents and responses to requests from tax authorities
  • Protection of client rights in administrative courts of all instances
  • Tightening, winnings of tax disputes